Mercy is a young girl living in a small community outside of Lusaka, Zambia.
Like so many of their neighbors, Mercy’s family doesn’t have a lot of money.
74% of the population of Zambia lives on $1.25 a day.
They sell eggs and tomatoes at the local market to make ends meet.
Mercy loves to play with her siblings and has big dreams for her future. She wants to be a nurse. Her parents save everything they can so that they can pay for Mercy to go to school.
Then, one day, everything changes. Mercy is assaulted by a neighbor and becomes pregnant.
She is thirteen years old.
Her family doesn’t know how they’re going to feed another baby. Tensions rise.
All of a sudden, she can’t see her bright future anymore. She feels like she has lost all hope.
As a pregnant teenager, she is ostracized by her community and has to drop out of school.
Despite pressure to stay silent, Mercy makes the brave choice and reports her abuse.
by reporting the crime, mercy is connected to the kukhoma project and They invite her to move into the TKP House.