Meet the Team



Creig Rice earned a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Science from Arizona State University, an MBA from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and a Master of Strategic Studies from the US Air War College. He spent 27 years serving in the United States Air Force, holding several key leadership and operational positions and retiring as a Colonel. During this time, he traveled to and lived in several different countries and worked closely with our international partners, gaining insight into working in foreign countries and with foreign governments. After leaving the Air Force, he and his family put down roots in the Hill Country, near New Braunfels, Texas and he continues to work in the aviation field, to include his current position as the Director of Operations and Vice President of Corporate Development for Bode Aviation.   

He and his wife, Terri, have been heavily involved in various Christian schools as they moved throughout the country, including being on the Board of Directors. Creig is an active pilot and currently does aerial firefighting as part of his day to day duties, both as a hobby and for work!

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