In 2024, we celebrated our fifth anniversary and recognized all that has happened since our founders, Amanda and Elizabeth, answered God’s call to create a safe haven for young girls in Zambia who became pregnant as a result of abuse. With your support, what began as a bold vision has grown into a thriving organization—providing care for girls and their babies, offering an agriculture training program that empowers girls and their families, and driving a rapidly expanding community outreach initiative to combat gender-based violence in our region.

Our most significant milestone of the year was completing the construction of our new property. This new space gives us stability and security for the future and paves our path forward for years to come. We cannot wait to see the plans God has in store for our facilities, and we are so grateful for the many donors and partners who helped us turn ideas and blueprints into a vibrant place that girls and babies now call home.

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 Our New Home

Two years after we purchased a piece of land, and one year after we broke ground, we completed construction and moved into The Kukhoma Project’s permanent home. The property includes:

  • A new safe house, specially designed to be a secure home where girls and their babies can heal, grow, and learn.

  • A manager house so our team can provide 24/7 on-call support to our girls.

  • A head office with dedicated workspaces for the TKP team and two private apartments to host visitors and ministry partners.

  • More land for our agriculture training program.

With our own property and facilities, we can provide even more stable, secure, and consistent care for girls and babies. In addition, our permanent home base and staff facilities make it even easier for us to reach out to our community and serve our neighbors.

At the TKP House

Throughout the move to our new home, we continued to provide transformative programs for our girls. In 2024, we:

  • Provided holistic care for seven girls and their babies living in the TKP House.

  • Reintegrated two girls and their babies into the community with their families.

  • Welcomed one new girl to the house.

  • Watched as four babies learned how to walk.

In our Community in Zambia

We also built partnerships, addressed gender-based violence, and served our neighbors in surrounding villages. Last year, we:

  • Hosted trainings at schools in the area for teachers and children, educating them on abuse—what it is, how to identify it, and where to report it.

  • Facilitated community outreach for new and expectant mothers, giving out baby clothes and blankets to over 1,000 women—many of whom had none.

  • Continued working in partnership with the One Stop Center at Chongwe Hospital.

  • Participated in the Agricultural and Development Commercial Show to raise awareness about gender-based violence and our work to end it—and TKP was recognized as one of the top three most impactful booths!

In the United States

Finally, we grew our community in the United States through events and gatherings. In 2024, we:

  • Hosted our third annual Looking Up Sporting Clays Tournament in Dallas.

  • Invited friends to bid on incredible items in our Bidding for Hope virtual auction.

  • Celebrated home gatherings across the country with both new and old friends of TKP.

5 Ways to Help Make an Impact in 2025

  1. Host a gathering for your friends and neighbors.

  2. Donate an item, experience, or bottle of wine to our annual Bidding for Hope auction.

  3. Follow The Kukhoma Project on Facebook and Instagram.

  4. Join us at an upcoming event in your area.

  5. Share The Kukhoma Project’s mission with your church, book club, or small group.

Mark Your Calendars